Installing GitHub Education Shell
Using the gem
Instead of download the program from the repository, you can download the gem ghdesh from rubygem.
gem install ghdesh
To run the app you need to call the binary file "ghedsh" in your command line after install it. Configuration files are being set in a hidden directory called .ghedsh, in your Home path.
First step: Oauth requirements.
Ir order to run this program, you need to make an Access token from Github with create and edit scope. When you run the program, it asks you the access token to identify yourself with no need to use your user and password.
Link to create a new personal access token
You need to tick all options, unless admin:gpg_key scopes.
ghedsh executable options
'-t' or '--token token'. Provides a github access token by argument.
'-u', '--user user'. Change your user from your users list
'-v', '--version'. Show the current version of GHEDSH
'-h', '--help'. Displays Help
This program creates a directory called .ghedsh in your home with all configuration files that it needs.